Friday, December 17, 2010


Alternatively titled:  To blog or not to blog

Did you think I'd totally given up on this whole blogging thing? 

My lack of attention to posting information directly correlates to a lack of new information on this end.  Like most of you in the area, the primary goal of the last few weeks has been to stay reasonably warm and dry.  And to steer clear whatever the gusty winds might be blowing around outside.

We did however, make an important decision this week.  After follow up appointments with several doctors, and after a long talk with our oncologist, we've made the decision to forgo chemotherapy treatment.  The Oncotype DX test for which we were awaiting results was helpful in that the final numbers were not high. 

To be honest, the facts of our particular circumstances put us in a position to be fully supported by our oncologist whether we chose to move forward with the chemo or not.   Tough choice, with pros and cons on both sides.  We've prayerfully made our decision, and have peace.

This journey (so far) has been filled with quite a few questions that have multiple choice answers.  Isn't that just like life?  A good friend reminded me of a scripture from the book of Isaiah:  "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it'."  (30:21) 

And now, how to communicate to all of you who have prayed, and continue to pray for our family.  We are humbled that you would continue to keep us close.  We are grateful for every prayer, every card, every expression of love that you have shared with our family, and are very much honored to call you friends.

Much love and Merry Christmas to all.

"I thank my God every time I remember you....He who began a good work in [us] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus".  Philippians 1:3,6