Sunday, October 24, 2010

Permission Granted.

Go ahead.  Laugh.  It most certainly is allowed.  Maybe even required?

In recent days, we have chosen to laugh.

We were sitting in the waiting room of a plastic surgery practice.  Of course, we weren't there for Botox (not that there's anything wrong with that) or a face lift (not that there's anything wrong with that) or a tummy tuck (not that there's anything...).  Anyway, after noticing all the photographs on display of "perfect" celebrities, and after we'd seen the huge poster in the ladies room (ginormous tatas above a caption encouraging the reader to focus on their goals), we were called back for our appointment.  The perky nurse came in with her list of medical questions (which we'd just answered on the eight pages of information we'd filled out during the half hour wait past our appointment time).

Then she asked, without warning, "What size would you like them to be?"

We laughed.

During the course of the previous five weeks, we've chosen to laugh.

During conversations with a well-meaning relatives and friends: 

"Well, it may not be as bad as you think it will...but it might be a LOT worse"
"You're small, so it won't be so bad for you"
"I know EXACTLY how you feel"


Would you laugh with us?

It's perfectly okay if you don't know what to say....often, neither do we.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22


  1. Laughter IS the best medicine! Just sayin'.....

  2. I'd be willing to bet that I know where at least one of those comments originated... ;-) Thanks for a good chuckle.

  3. I do think it is funny that the doctor treats it as if you are ordering a Frap: Tall, Grande or Venti.
    Would you like that skinny or full of gusto?

    You girls are an example of sisterly love, grace, and kindness.

    Love you guys.
